Homer simpson ralph lauren t shirts for women costume cheap ralph lauren polo shirts for kids ideas Browse articles videos by categoryfood drinkhobbies, games toysalthough the simplest approach for the face of aHomer simpson costume is buying a mask, makeup can be used to create theHomer simpson look.If you have hair, get a bald head wig(A wig cap underneath is recommended)And use latex safe makeup or paint to make mens ralph lauren long sleeve it yellow.Use dark brown or black makeup to outline the mouth area and the eyes.You want an area roughly the shape of a goatee around the mouth and chin and two large sections for the eyes.Fill the mouth area with a brownish makeup and the eyes with white.Do the rest of the face in yellow.A more obscure way to doHomer simpson is to copy a live action introduction that was filmed in england.While it might require some explanations, the costume is basically the same, except that no yellow makeup is required.Instead, a mostly bald look with just a little bit of hair can complete the picture.Another idea is to wear a yellow radiation suit.One might be found in a halloween store.Wearing the suit as the clothing and carrying the helmet, with theHomer face exposed, will create an"At work"Homer.

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